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How to get rid of depression? #DepressionKills #DepressionSolution

#DepressionKills #DepressionSolution

This is not a post saying "I am here. Contact me anytime if you are depressed".  Pls read fully.

Untill I searched today in google who is "sushant singh rajput",  I never knew him before.  That much poor knowledge I have. Every life matters.

I  understand all of your sadness. Indians usually feel like they are  themselves dying if some  of their favorite celebrity dies unexpectedly. So this is the right time to educate about depression. 

Few signs of depression:

1.Eating more/less
2. Sleep More/less
3.Do not want to take bath/Feel like taking bath frequently
4.Speaking a lot/Keeping quite with irritable mood
5.Do not want to do nothing including  brushing your teeth
6.Angry throught out the day
7.Fear of dying soon
8.Fear of loss

9.Hating the current job (most lovable job before)

10.Love failure feeling for long.

11.Exam fear/failure guilt


If you have any one of symptom more than half a day and continuously for more than 2 weeks,  then it is called "Depression".

A shortage of chemical in brain(neuro transmitter) happened. It is a medical illness. At this situation,  for immediate recovery consult a "Psychiatrists"(Medical Doctor) and not a "psychologists"(who focus on providing psychotherapy [talk therapy]to help patients).

Psychiatrists helps you to equal the chemical levels properly in your brain. Once you took those medicines,you can now take counselling(talk therapy) from a Psychologists. Because now you will be in a situation to discuss, listen, understand and change your mind.

If we have physical illness we are immediately  consulting doctor. In same way, if we are having mental illness,  Psychiatrists/Psychologists consultation is must needed one.

Trust me after proper treatment(Medicine & Therapy support ),  definitely  you can lead a happy life like ever before. 

#DoNotDelay #SeekMedicalHelp


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