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Education should give us freedom to express our rights..

My son Vihaan's inspiring experience in his school.

#OurExperience #SchoolManagement #Parenting 

Education should also give the freedom to children  to speak what they feel about their basic valuable  rights. This is what I personally feel and taught to my dear child.

Currently  there is lot of negativities spreading  about schools, teachers & online classes.  In between this,  I wish to spread some positivity regarding my son's very own experience in his school.  This post is not for doing marketing/branding any school. So am not adding school name anywhere.  Without any judgement just read for the goodness in it. 

Last academic  year, same as other schools,  annual day preparation went on in my son's  school also. I am a kind of parent who usually hesitate towards annual day celebration concept,  due to various reasons which includes children's mental health(I will write seperate post regarding that)

One day I got a call from  Vihaan's teacher. What she said surprised  me.

In school,  all children (Pre kg-5th std) participating  in annual day dance practice(different  dances),  But Vihaan is the only one child reacted in a different  way.


Principal had sweet shock by seeing 3.5 yrs old child,  meeting principal and saying this with much confidence.

Then I talked with Vihaan after the call from teacher. 

First  Question  I asked Vihaan:  Do you really want to participate in annual day?  Are you  interested? 

Second question  I asked : If so what is the  interest area? If not,  leave it. No need to participate.

His Reply: Speech in any one topic

What school teachers did further???? 

1.They selected a topic and discussed  with me asking "Is that OK for Vihaan? 

Topic : "Water cycle, Water usage and Water recycle"

2.They sent me documents,  which contained the whole topic related practical examples as a printout sheet(contains many drawings explaining about water cycle, usage and recycling ). And also the speech delivery content  attached.

3.At school,  teachers created an "EXCLUSIVE  PROJECT"  in same topic and taught all students about what is that  topic actually?  They made a demo session to all students  so that Vihaan also gets clear with that topic.

4.Teachers gave him training without pressurizing him in any single way.

What we did as parents??? 

Me and his father,   kept on explaining him the water cycle, usage, recycle concept with more simple examples in day to day life,  instead of make him memorize line by line content.

Finally the annual day came,  he delivered the speech with much confidence regarding  the topic. 

Vihaan's brave act of speaking  about his own rights(His likes  and dislikes) directly to principal got officially registered  in "SCHOOL's ANNUAL  YEAR(2019-2020)  REPORT " and same read by principal infront of all on stage. 

If parents and school work together more wonders we can create regarding  education🥰🥰

Let your child speak about their basic rights. Let them express their likes and dislikes.. Give them that confidence🥰🥰

As a parents,  be bold enough to discuss about your child's rights, likes, dislikes to school management.


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