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October 15 - Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day


Oct 15th -  Pregnancy  & Infant loss remembrance day is a day for remembrance of pregnancy loss & infant death which includes, however is not limited to, miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, and the death of a newborn.

Let's discuss the least discussed topic in our country. 

1.Let the parents grieve in their own space.  Do not indulge with unnecessary  advices without  understanding their actual feel.

2. Stop saying " Do not worry.  There is always second chance". 

3.Even 1000 chances never equals a single loss.  

4.Be it "40 days" inside womb,  Be it "Still birth",   Be it "SIDS", -- "LOSS is LOSS"

5.Stop asking the couple when is next pregnancy  plan??

6. Stop advising "Start planning soon so that you forget the loss"

7.Parents body, mind  & medical factors needs to decide when to have their next child (or no child)after a loss.  Society should not decide.

8. Even after the loss,  they are still parents of the lossed child.  Respect  their love & remembrance about their lossed child. 

9.Most importantly stop blaming the mother for the unexpected loss(Our country primary focus is always on mother if something goes wrong). 

10.If possible  share your "Non judgemental love & care towards them.  

#MyThoughts #ChangeStartFromUs


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