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Our personal journey with extreme preterm baby - Part 5


Our personal journey - Part 5

It was a beautiful day "after 30 days of his birth," Yes finally for first time I got a chance to hold my son in my hand after he came out of ventilator support. 30 days was such a long worried wait for a mother to hold the little one..Am I right??? My little boy wore his first ever dress when he was at mom hand for first time🥰 Such a special moment to capture -(first time holding by mom with his first dress and a first click with mom). Check below pic for that memorable moment of me. I smiled a bit after 30 days.

Then all treatment continued, as I said before at his
"1.5 kg" he undergone bilateral hernia surgery at his 45 th day after birth.. His heart problem PDA related treatment got failed in total of 3 attempts. Doctor told any time it may get resolved. If not we have to do surgery at certain age (5 or 6) to resolve it. Fingers crossed. By all our positive thoughts heart probelm PDA got resolved on the week of our discharge from hospital.
And so much of Painful treatments on daily basis he went through. His body full of wires kind of stuffs and IVs.Still the word IVs make me feel nervous. Searching place in tiny body to do that procedure multiple times made parents feel extreme low.During each physical examination the cry voice of him made us at worst. We were helpless standing outside NICU Room(It continued till one yr at many instances particularly eye examination and Abscess, xray etc etc).Daily I cried and also believed that my son will be OK one day. I was at complete hospital stay 24*7. I Stepped out of hospital for first time at 58th day to purchase basic things for my son.Because doctors confirmed discharge from hospital may be on his 60th day. When I stepped about for few mins, I felt fresh air, seeing people walking on busy roads, car, auto everything was new to me after 2 months of complete hospital stay.

After 60 days, finally Jan 1,2016 my son got discharged.

My mother stayed at my home for 60 days just to cook and wash baby cloths. We thought that itself is big support for us.We do not want to trouble her more. Me and my hubby only handled baby all alone A-Z all time. No one else allowed inside home due to the fact of protecting him from Infections. At 59th day of my mother's stay first time she held grandson in her hand after long wait of almost 4 months after his birth. Nect day she left our home.After she left at 60th day of stay, I taken care cooking and other works at home.

When my son got discharged we thought all struggles got over. Our guess totally wrong. It was not the case after discharge from hospital.Yes we faced major issue.My son food pipe was not closed properly so till his 7th mnth he was not in a position to sleep as all babies sleep at floor/thooli/bed. Due to that issue he couldn't able to play/sleep or be normal. He can only able to sleep normally at "Vertical position". Other wise if he sleep like normal babies that is horizontally at bed/floor/thooli milk will come in nose in dangerous way always. So never he had that opportunity to be normal.
Per day for about "20 hrs" I hold my baby in vertically position (myself at sitting position) tigh up him at my hip(Kangaroo Mother Care). Almost 20 hrs a day I used to be in sitting position with so much back pain. Remaining 4 hrs I do household works while my hubby takes care of him. I sleep in sitting position only always keeping him tigh up with cloth. Till his 4.5 kgs that is upto his 7 months same scenario.My hubby takes care few hrs after his hectic office hrs. He supported me as much he can.

"Nil breast milk".Initially 5 ML,10ML, 15ML max few times 50 ML in first month of his birth. Then Tried hard for 5 months. "NIl Breast milk on all days". Went through a lot of struggles mentally physically. Many judged me by saying how a girl not getting even few drops of milk? Daily I spent few hrs in pumping. But no use. He too didn't had natural sucking ability. My breast too not produced milk. Still the world need to get educated regarding this topic in depth so that they don't judge mothers.
At 8th month, he started eating solids slowly his food pipes got closed properly. We did naming function at his 8th mnth only. First time everyone in my family had a look at him happily after long wait. Doctors asked us to do many exercises for him (legs, hands, other body parts) to get better improvements.We visited hospital frequently with list of issues always. It became like our second home for more than a year. It was our frustrating outing place always.

He started lying down on tummy with head up only at his "8th month" for first time.That is long wait for parents, but we were waiting with so much of patience without comparing our kids milestones with other kids milestones. Yes it was a pain to wait for milestones with so much of fear because of medical feedbacks.But we know that it will turn one day positively. Finally it startee happening slowly.

Till his 1 yr, many times he could not able to breath normally.Oxygen level goes down frequently. No one used to be at home most of time except me & my son. I rush to hospital by booking taxi during day & night time from Nanganallur to Porur. If I wait for my hubby to come in traffic from office to home, my son may stop breathing at any time. I handled all hard situations with much will power inspite of so many low feel.My hubby handled both office pressure and home pressure. He did his best. After that, my son also undergone one more surgery for abscess removal near his chin.

Finally after 1 yr of his age slowly everything started changing happily. From 1 and 1/2 yrs of age, he was perfectly OK except a single left out issue. Yes we can able to handle that too🥰🥰

(To Be Continued.. )


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