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An Entrepreneur Journey of a Toddler

Why always our childhood ambitions be like Teacher, Police Man, Pilot, Astronaut???  Why not an Entrepreneur?? 

An Entrepreneur gets recognised by people only when they get peak of success.  From our childhood,  we have mindset like either it is tough  job role or it will not yield success&money as required on time. 

On daily basis,  we depend on Entrepreneurs from buying vegetables to the place where we work. But when it comes to the point of ourselves starting a business  or our children  starting business,  we hesitate & fear a lot. 

First we need to learn & then we can think of becoming a master.  Break a myth about Entrepreneur and let our next generation know that being an Entrepreneur is also one of career path they can choose. 

My 5 yrs old son Vihaan running an " In house Toy Restaurant" and also played the role of chef & waiter in his restaurant.

He named it as "Vihaan's Restaurant". 

Vihaan's learning as an entrepreneur & Chef by running in-house restaurant  . He made me feel "Awww" with his contributions as below:

1.What materials required set up Toy Restaurant? 


3.Menu Card Preparation 

4.Learning & Doing Plumbing work by own to reduce monthly  cost

5.Budgeting at his level. No calculation based😄

6.Price of each Food Items

7.Variety of foods 

8.Custom food preparation 

9.How to satisfy  Customer? 

10.How to Bargain efficiently & politely when it comes to business

11.When a customer  says negative feedback,  how to handle  the same

12.When customer says,  not satisfied with menu items,  how to make them stay back at restaurant.

13.How to attract customers  by explaining about menu items.

14.Chef cum entrepreneur playing role of server.

We worked on above stuffs naturally with his 100% childishness & innocent  included throughout our journey. 

Trust me nothing was a defined learning.  Everything  on the flow it happened with his overall interest. Each bit & pieces we enjoyed in this journey. 


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