#PrematurityAwarenssMonth Our Personal Journey - Part 4 I got shifted to normal ward. Met doctor but not baby. Doctor told we have to wait for 7 days to get confirmation whether my baby will be alive or not for sure with medical complications. OMG 7 days. It was like 7 yrs for us as parent. After a day of delivery, I was allowed to meet my baby. 24 hrs was like 24 yrs for me. Baby was at ventilator and incubator support immediately after birth.It took 7 days to touch my baby with my one finger inside incubator. How hard it is for a mother to wait for 7 days to touch her baby that too with " only a finger touch "?????( I always had dream of holding my baby immediately after birth like how all mothers usually do after delivery. But all my mother dream went away in air.)He had major Infections.So even mother not allowed to touch him / handle him for his safety till major injections wiped away. We took all precautions each time to enter into NICU ward to see baby. In Doctors list...